"You may not be exactly doctrinal with a man, but the main part is intact. And that is when you are a man of God, brother, when you can accomodate someone that isn't as perfect as you. You’re carnal if you can’t. If you’re just there to defend the faith of the four walls you’re in, or the denomination or culture, heaven help you. You're a grief to GOD. If you're not there in the pulpit for souls brother, get out of it. If you're there for doctrine, you'll have no compassion. You'll even prove people need to go to hell and think it's justifying God's...sovereignty. You'll miss the mark. You'll do anything but you won't have a throbbing cry to God when you’re carnal. You’ll just have a throbbing cry to defend doctrine at the cost of souls being put into darkness, blaming God."

From Keith Daniel, The Revivals of America, preached at Maranatha Baptist Family Camp October 16th, 2004


Until His return


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