Sue for Mercy

He Delighteth In Mercy
Micah 7:18

Read Micah 7:1-20

This statement from God's prophet should raise a universal shout of 'Hallelujah' from the fallen sons of Adam. The God whom we have offended, the God whom we have blasphemed, the God whose law we have broken delights in mercy!

Wisdom and power, justice and truth, holiness and infinity are all attributes of God. I am sure he delights in them all. But here one attribute, as singled out by inspiration, gives delight to the eternal God - mercy! God delights to show mercy. It is both pleasant and essential to his being. He can no more cease to be merciful than he can cease to be just and holy.

This mercy which God delights to show unto men is in Christ. Read Micah's prophecy again. In the midst of great trial, Micah's heart was fixed upon Christ. As he anticipated the coming of Christ, he was comforted with this precious truth: 'He delighteth in mercy!' Micah looked for the mercy of God in Christ. And, if you hope to find mercy, you must seek it in Christ. Since Jesus Christ has suffered and died in the place of sinners, satisfying God's holy law and justice, God is both able and willing to be merciful to sinners! That is the good news of the gospel.

There is only one way to obtain this mercy. You must come to Christ by faith. Bow down at his feet, acknowledging his sovereign lordship. Confess your sin. Sue for mercy, saying, 'God be merciful to me, a sinner.' And believe his Word. 'He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.'

Depth of mercy, can there be

Mercy still reserved for me?

Can my God his wrath forbear,

Me the chief of sinners spare?

Indeed he can and will for Christ's sake, because, 'he delighteth in mercy'.

Don Fortner


Until His return

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