3) A Right View of Sin
This "high view of sin invariably leads to a distorted view of sin."(xii) The proud sinner:
- demands the right to determine what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior
- forbids him to bow the knee
- enables him to snub the nose at GOD's Law, His threatenings and warning at disobedience and ultimate destruction for those that do not repent.
- unable to yield to GOD's terms of determining what is actually right or wrong.
- unwilling to listen to another man, past or present.
- disdains the dreadful consequence of sin
- disregards all truths both wiser and better men of past centuries have discovered.
- is imitated by others who think he has gotten away with something because GODs wrath has not fallen on him with ultimate severity.
- doom is delayed while he is filling up the measure of his sins (1 Thessalonians 2:16).
- and all the while does "store up wrath for [themselves] on the day of wrath when GOD's righteous judgment will be revealed" (Romans 2:5b).

4) A Right View of Salvation
"A distorted view of sin naturally leads to a corrupted view of salvation" (xii)
- If sin is thought of as a minor consequence than the need of a GOD-sized salvation is eliminated.
- If sin is an insignificant issue, then a small measure of salvation is thought to be sufficient.
- A "little dab will do ya" will not stick to ya when you stand before the King, it is not salvation at all because it does not match the NT or OT salvation.

Till His return - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

There is a powerful relationship between what a person
1) thinks (views) of GOD,
2) thinks (views) of himself,
3) thinks of sin, and,
4) thinks of salvation.

1) A Right View of GOD
Many tolerate a wrong view which is radically lower than how He reveals Himself to us in His scriptures. GOD describes Himself as,
"I am that I am" (Exodus 3:14),
"I change not" (Malachi 3:6),
"I am Holy" (1 Peter 1:16),
"I fill Heaven and earth" (Jeremiah 23:24),
"I will do all my pleasure" (Isaiah 46:10),
"I know thy works" (Revelation 2:2), and
"I will ease Me of mine adversaries" (Isaiah 1:24).
He never portrays Himself as soft on sin, loving those who are perpetually unrepentant, or compares Himself to man or insist that our thoughts are His. GOD insists on our need for Him, that we conform to His ways and is as full of indignation towards sinners as the days of Noah and the flood which destroyed all of mankind.
The meek and gentle Jesus is just the same in Matthew 23:23-33, Matthew 11:21-24.
Isaiah 57:15

2) A Right View of Self
A wrong view of GOD elicits a wrong view of self. Every person who maintains a view of GOD as is set forth in the Bible is forced into a correspondingly low view of self. There is no other way. If GOD is, in fact, ultimately high, lofty, exalted then we are low, humble and shaded in comparison. Only what He provides is good enough. No man can be great in his own eyes when his own eyes are fixed on the high and lofty one, whose name is holy. Conversely, a degraded view of GOD promotes an inordinately high view of self - pride. There is no motivation for humility in this regard. Great and heinous sins spring from this pride. "There is no Fear of GOD before their eyes..."(Romans 3:18).
Pride is both the "breeder sin", as suggested above and the "barrier sin". It constructs insurmountable walls between prideful man and prideful man, prideful man and humble saints and prideful man and The Holy GOD (Point 3 and 4 to be continued...).

(Please note that this is a summary of the actual writings of Richard Owen Roberts from the book Salvation in Full Color. I am merely trying to build the case for this glorious yet forgotten and neglected doctrine of Salvation that Dear Richard Owen Roberts is asserting in this book.)

Till His return - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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