J = Justification by Faith T = Total Depravity
U = Unconditional Election U = Unconditional Election
N = Natural Depravity VS. L = Limited Atonement
I = Invincible Faith I = Irresistible Grace
P = Progressive Sanctification P = Perseverance of the
E = Effectual Atonement Saints
R = Resistless Grace

"It could be said that “Tulip” has a doctrinal progression which may be likened to the golden chain of Romans 8:28‐30, to which Boettner alludes, whereas “Juniper” is not so logically connected. However Romans 8:28‐30 assumes the preceding explicit gospel context of Romans 1‐8, from which “Tulip” has become historically disconnected. Hence “Juniper” is a preferable acrostic representation of sovereign grace truth because it is more essentially comprehensive." - Barry Horner

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Till His return...


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