No Disqualification by Dudley Hall
As Obama moves forward crushing religious liberty to pay back his child-killing cronies at Planned Parenthood, more condemning evidence surfaces exopsing this murderous, lying beast. Rusty
Whistleblower exposes Planned Parenthood fraud, lies to government
by Joel McDurmon on Feb 15, 2012
Fraud may seem like petty crime for an organization whose business is legalized murder, but this could be an important development toward at least stripping Planned Parenthood of all government funding. reports, Karen Reynolds, a former Health Center Assistant at the Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (PPGC), in Lufkin, Texas, talked recently with the Lufkin, Texas newspaper about what she saw: . . .
[Her] suit alleges that, in addition to falsifying patient records, billing the government for unwarranted services and services not covered by Medicaid, Planned Parenthood tacked on services patient did not receive.
An example given in the suit is Medicaid being billed for birth control counseling. The suit states almost all Women's Health Program and Medicaid patients were handed a bag of at least two birth control devices despite the fact the items were not needed or requested by the patient.
"Pursuant to corporate policy and instructions from clinical directors, after merely handing the patient a bag of condoms and vaginal film on the way out the door, clinic employees then entered billing codes to be submitted to the government" at an average billed cost of $57.85. . . .
And it adds up to more than small change: a current Congressional investigation has discovered Planned Parenthood overcharging the government to the tune of $5 million in California and $17 million in New York alone.
But the most important allegation is even more damning:
The fraud was allegedly not limited to birth control and contraception, the former employee said in her complaint. Reynolds alleges that Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast would falsify medical charts for patients having or who had had abortions to make it appear as if their visit was primarily for some other reason so Planned Parenthood would receive federal reimbursement.
If this is true, then current legislation forbidding the use of government funds to perform abortions has proven totally ineffective. Criminal charges need to come, as well as much stronger measures to prevent opponents of abortion from funding it through taxation.
But again, we should not be surprised that an organization that justifies murder would also lie, cheat, and steal to carry it out
May the Lord have mercy, if mercy still He has...
- til He comes
As we pray for Felix and for Phil's work in the prisons, my thoughts run a little further into the bigger picture when you mention in one breath both the impressive passion and wisdom and yet the vehemence with which these orthodox Jews protest against Jesus and particularly other Jews that preach Him.
There are precious things in Judaism that are excellent and much to be approved. Yet this is the paradox of the mystery. The great tragedy, which should be so instructive for the church is how amazingly close, yet so far.
Once in NY when Art and I had been in and out of the home of a precious family of the most ultra orthodox of Crown Heights, he asked if I did not agree that they were the closest to the kingdom of any we had met. After a moment's thought, I said, "you know, Art, they are indeed the 'closest', but that's precisely why they're the farthest." That is why, as you point out, there is such a shocking vehemence and antipathy against Jesus among these pious, much more than Jews in general. It is a paradox that holds much instruction if the church would lean in to understand.
When such nobility of soul can succeed so far in every appearance of excellence in righteousness, how will they be convinced that all of this counts for nothing when it comes to eternal salvation? But such is Paul's radical gospel, as particularly anticipated in Jesus' remarkable reply to the rich young ruler. All such righteousness, however impressive, has one fatal flaw; it is 'their own'.
This was Paul's anguish. It was also his pathos and pity, since he knew that apart from a sovereign revelation, he too would never have known what he would later call, "the mystery of the gospel."
It is no wonder then that Paul, who had built up this kind of righteousness nearly to heaven, understood as few others that the righteousness revealed in the gospel is an 'apocalyptic righteousness,' which is to say, a righteousness that can only be known by the revelation of the Spirit, as wholly other.
This raises the question for the church. How far have we distinguished between these two kinds of righteousness? All the crisis of the end time in the calculated offense of the controversy of Zion in the finishing of the mystery of God has this as its greatest purpose and design. This is what the corporate election of Israel, the city, and the Land is designed to flush into the foreground. This is how the issue of the Jew will embody again the scandal of the gospel.
What an offense it will be to the self-righteous that a hated nation that has brought the world to the brink of Armageddon is in travail to be "born in one day" by a sudden and supernatural revelation of Him whom they pierced. What a scandal that God has built the end of the age around this great act of sovereign revelation, as gloriously anticipated in the conversion of Paul.
The corporate election of Israel will be the offense that will flush out every demon of hell. It will discover, more than any creed or doctrine. how each one has understood for themselves the grace by which they stand, the kind of righteousness that Paul calls, "the righteousness of faith." Luther called it an 'alien iustitia'. It is the righteousness of another. One kind is possible to man; the other is not.
How can the church communicate this point of covenant contention with Israel if it has not understood it for itself? This is the "everlasting righteousness" promised in the prophets (Jer 32:40 with Dan 9:24), which has come already to the church, as first fruits, but must at length include 'all Israel', so that Israel might at last and forever "lie down in safety and none make them afraid' (Lev 26:6; Deut 33:28-29; Isa 14:29-32; Mic 4:3-4; Jer 23:6; 32:37; 33:16; Eze 34:25, 28; Hos 2:18; Zeph 3:13; Zech 14:11).
That is the climax of the covenant, which guarantees a future earthly millennium of actual 'Jewish' fulfillment (the 'natural branches') for its ultimate vindication (Eze 39:21-29). But behind and aback of all this great drama of the end time travail of Zion is the great divine contention concerning the only single source of acceptable righteousness, which alone perfectly fulfills and satisfies all the demand of the law. The presumption to stand in any other in that day will end in shock and terror (Mt 22:12-13). This is the righteousness that has absolutely no point of intersection with the flesh; it is not possible to man, and THAT is the offense of the gospel.
The further end time extension of this same essential offense is Israel's irrevocable election of God, as central to the covenant of promise, which says that just as miraculously as Paul was arrested on the road to Damascus, a surviving remnant from among the natural branches will come to faith in one day (Isa 66:8; Eze 39:22, 28-29; Zech 3:9,12:10). Why MUST this be? Because, "this is my covenant unto THEM" (Isa 59:21; Ro 11:26-29).
That is why we say, in order for the church to be what it must to Israel, it must know for itself the power and the glory that redeemed Israel will one day confess when the nation of the Jews will come to say, "in the Lord have I righteousness" (Isa 45:24), even as God will say of them, "their righteousness if of me" (Isa 54:17).
Why i hate religion but love Jesus - True Christianity, L. Ravenhill
Posted by Unknown Labels: Jesus is the StandardAn open Letter to Abortionist Mr. Thomas Tvedten, Little Rock, Arkansas
Posted by Unknown Labels: abortionHello, my name is Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, the assistant director of Operation Save America. By now, you are probably aware of our new national campaign called the States of Refuge. This communication is our first attempt to make personal contact with you. Find enclosed a book, Won by Love by Norma McCorvey, the Jane Roe of Roe vs. Wade infamy, a powerful DVD calledAbortion Matrix, and several tracts. We pray you will take the time to read and watch these materials.
It is in the fear and humility of God; we contact you and submit these resources. We understand that the mere words contained in this communication may not suffice to truly convince you of our heartfelt concern for the condition of your soul before a Holy God. Regardless, it is still our sincere prayer that you will receive our attempt, inadequate as it may seem, in the spirit in which it is sent. Our genuine desire is for the Lord to take this meager communiqué, anoint it by His Spirit, and speak directly to your heart.
Mr. Thomas Tvedten, we have a solemn responsibility before the Lord God of Hosts to defend the innocent who are being dragged away to slaughter (Proverbs 24:11, 12). Most of us, if not all of us, have failed miserably in our obedience. This we humbly confess before God and you. At the same time, God has called us to the ministry of reconciliation, which is found in 2 Corinthians 5:18-20, "Now all things are of God, who reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God."
Mr. Tvedten, we realize that you may endure much to maintain your abortion mill. We can only speculate as to what your participation in child killing has wrought upon your life. Only you and God know for sure the anguish, the possible paranoia, and nightmares that have invaded your dreams at night. We do not know what lengths you have gone to quiet your conscience in order to continue to kill children made in the image of God. And though you may have prospered financially with the blood money you have accumulated, we can all be assured it has come with a price.
The word of God warns in Proverbs 28:17, "A man burdened with bloodshed will flee into a pit; Let no one help him." One translation says that person will be a fugitive, a wanderer, till death, let no one support him. Through the years, you may have garnered the support from our government, the pro-abort community, and an unjust law that has unleashed Hell to devour our nameless sons and daughters in America. Though you probably view this support as a refuge, it is in truth, a violation of Scripture and a major betrayal against your own soul. We, on the other hand, do not only withhold our support from what you are tragically involved with, but we actually resist you. Though you may view us as your enemy, we are in fact those who love you enough to tell you the truth. Jesus said, "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32)."
Mr. Tvedten, however you perceive this letter, our intention is to make God's appeal known through us, "be reconciled to God." Our prayer is you will heed the admonishment found in Isaiah 55:7, "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon."
We know firsthand, it takes courage and humility to admit being wicked. But that is the first step towards deliverance through Christ. We stand with you, praying that you will muster the courage, confess your sins against God, your crimes against the little ones, repent, and receive the gracious gift of God, the salvation of your soul. The good news is, no matter how far you've gone, no matter how deep the stain of your iniquity, there is still a God in heaven that will cleanse, heal, and forgive. Turn from child killing, stop the slaughter, and call upon God for mercy. He will hear you in Jesus' Holy Name!
Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas