The Mercy of the Lord

I will bless the Lord, oh my soul...the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear Him.

Psalms 103 was the passage of comfort yesterday as we awaited blood results that would soon send my wife into emergency C-section. We were astonished and silent before God as her physical condition and all hopes of control spiraled out of control, seemingly. However, every event, doctor, place, and support person was so divinely and perfectly orchestrated. Beyond natural ability. God has shown Himself sovereign, perfect, righteous and merciful. It is truly because of His mercies that we are not consumed.

Psalms 103 served the three of us this morning, mommy, Jaedon and I, as we sang together this song and celebrated His gift. Jaedon Richard weighing in at 7 lbs and 13 ozs and 19 inches was delivered by c-section yesterday at 7:40 pm by Dr. Sellers from Cornerstone clinic. Prior to being wheeled away to the OR he sat and prayed a godly and God glorifying prayer. We were humbled to the dust.

So looking forward to the reunion today when Joshua gets to meet his brother and celebrate with us. Wont you celebrate with us and seek for the mercies of the Lord before it is too late. God promises that anyone seeks Him will find Him, if that person seeks with all their heart. he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek for Him.


Till His return...


J = Justification by Faith T = Total Depravity
U = Unconditional Election U = Unconditional Election
N = Natural Depravity VS. L = Limited Atonement
I = Invincible Faith I = Irresistible Grace
P = Progressive Sanctification P = Perseverance of the
E = Effectual Atonement Saints
R = Resistless Grace

"It could be said that “Tulip” has a doctrinal progression which may be likened to the golden chain of Romans 8:28‐30, to which Boettner alludes, whereas “Juniper” is not so logically connected. However Romans 8:28‐30 assumes the preceding explicit gospel context of Romans 1‐8, from which “Tulip” has become historically disconnected. Hence “Juniper” is a preferable acrostic representation of sovereign grace truth because it is more essentially comprehensive." - Barry Horner

Has anyone come across this before? More to follow...


Till His return...

Paul writes in Romans 7:18 that "nothing good dwells in me"(NASB) but Ephesians 2 speaks about the good we are to do, that God prepared beforehand. What gives? How is anyone
to do good if there is nothing good in us?

Good question!

Jesus is our good, period. Apart from him we can do nothing. In fact, it is Christ in us the hope of glory! God has sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through Him (1John 4:9).

It is not enough to profess Christ, we must possess Christ!


Till His return...

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